JagAlloc – Allocate memory for use in C component code.
JagCmGetCachebyName – Retrieve the handle for the data source with the specified name.
JagCmGetCachebyUser – Retrieve a data source handle for connections that use a specified set of values for server, user name, password, and connectivity library.
JagCmGetConnection – Retrieve a connection from a specified data source or from any data source that matches a specified set of values for server, user name, password, and connectivity library.
JagCmGetCtx – Obtain the connectivity-library-specific context reference that is used to allocate connections from a data source.
JagCmGetProxyConnection – Retrieve a cached connection, specifying an alternate login name to set-proxy to.
JagCmReleaseConnection – Place a connection back in the data source for reuse.
JagCompleteWork – Indicate that the component’s work for the current transaction was successfully finished and that this component instance should be deactivated.
JagContinueWork – State indicator routine to specify that the component’s work for the current transaction may be committed.
JagDisallowCommit – State indicator routine to specify that the current transaction cannot be committed because the component’s work has not been completed.
JagGetHostName – Retrieve the client host name for the client connection that is associated with a C or C++ component instance.
JagGetPassword – Retrieve the password for the client connection that is associated with a C or C++ instance.
JagGetPeerAddress – Retrieve the client host IP address for the client connection that is associated with a C or C++ component instance.
JagGetUserName – Retrieve the user name for the client connection that is associated with a C or C++ component instance.
JagInTransaction – Determine whether the current method is executing in a transaction.
JagIsRollbackOnly – Query whether the current transaction is doomed to be rolled back or is still viable.
JagLog – Write a message to the server’s log file.
JagRollbackWork – Indicate that the component cannot complete its work for the current transaction. The component instance will be deactivated when the method returns.
JagSleep – Suspend execution of the thread in which your component is running.