Run-as support for servlets is similar to run-as support for EJBs:
is defined on a per-servlet basis.
applies to all method invocations on beans called from the servlet.
To enable run-as support for servlets or JSPs, the servlet
or JSP must be installed in a Web application. Additionally, you
must specify corbaname
in the EJB Reference properties for the servlet or JSP that issues
the call. For information on interoperable naming URLs, see Chapter
5, “Interoperability,” in the EAServer EJB
User’s Guide.
Configure the run-as identity as follows:
Define the run-as identity using the <run-as> property in the config/webapp-name.xml file. If you do not set this property, intercomponent calls use the client identity.
Recompile the servlet using the recompile batch file located in the EAServer bin subdirectory.