Caller propagation

Caller propagation allows an EJB 2.0 RMI/IIOP client to pass principal information to a server and have that information propagated to other servers. In other words, EAServer can pass a client’s user name or X.509 certificate information from an EJB on one server, to an EJB on a different server. For example:

  1. The client passes principal information to EAServer1, where the information is authenticated.

  2. EAServer1 retrieves the remote client’s authentication information by calling getCallerPrincipal().

  3. EJBA, on EAServer1, makes a call to another bean, which resides on EAServer2.

  4. The propagated caller information is retrieved on EAServer2 using the getCallerPrincipal() method.

To enable caller propagation for EJB component calls made in servlet or component code when communicating with a third-party EJB server, specify a corbaname URL in the EJB Reference properties for the EJB component, servlet, or JSP that issues the call.

EAServer supports RMI/IIOP interoperability with other EAServer 6.0 servers, even when using “iiop:...” format URLs.

Caller principal propagation for inter-component calls (on the same server) is automatic (if you use ejb-refs or ejb-local-refs with no special configuration).

For information on interoperable naming URLs, see Chapter 5, “Interoperability,” in the EAServer EJB User’s Guide.