Accessing SSL information

Clients can connect to a secure IIOP port using an SSL client certificate. You can issue intercomponent calls to the built-in CtsSecurity/SessionInfo component to retrieve the client certificate data, including the:

This component implements the CtsSecurity::SessionInfo IDL interface. HTML documentation is available for the interface in the html/ir subdirectory of your EAServer installation. View it by loading the main EAServer HTML page, then clicking the “Interface Repository” link.

NoteCtsSecurity::UserCredentials interface has been replaced The CtsSecurity::UserCredentials interface, which is implemented by the CtsSecurity/UserCredentials component, has been replaced by the CtsSecurity::SessionInfo interface, which provides additional functionality such as certificate parsing. EAServer supports the CtsSecurity::UserCredentials interface for backward compatibility. Use the CtsSecurity::SessionInfo interface if you are developing new components.