On the server, you must use the Certicom library to enable FIPS mode. The Java client uses the Certicom library by default to make SSL/TLS connections. To disable the Certicom Java library and use JSSE instead, set -Djsse=true or use the com.sybase.ejb.UseJSSE property in the ORB.
C/C++ clients use native calls into the SSL handler.
Java clients using JSSE to establish an SSL connection should use a FIPS-approved JSSE provider. EAServer SSL client runtime is not a JSSE provider.
Java clients and components that utilize a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provider should install a FIPS-enabled JCE provider to operate in a FIPS 140 mode. Further, Java components hosted in EAServer that also use a JCE provider should install a FIPS-enabled FIPS provider.