The J2EE MIB was defined under JSR 77, a Java community program to provide a management framework for application servers. It provides a number of groups, each of which contains a set of related tables, that are used to represent the contents or structure of an application server, and allow SNMP clients to obtain statistical information about the application server.
EAServer 6.0 supports all the MIBs that are defined in the J2EE MIB, including:
j2eeMoGroup The j2eeMoGroup contains tables for various objects and structures located in the application server. For example, it contains information about configured servers, JVMs, and EJBs. The j2eeMoGroup includes:
j2eeDomTable – domains.
j2eeSrvTable – servers.
j2eeJVMTable – Java virtual machine.
j2eeAppTable – applications.
j2eeModTable – modules in all applications.
j2eeBeanTable – EJBs in all applications.
j2eeSleTable – servlets in all applications.
j2eeAdapTable – resource adaptors in all applications.
j2eeRsrcTable – resources used by a server.
j2eeJCATable – JCA-managed connection factories.
j2eeJDBCTable – JDBC drivers and data sources used by a server.
j2eeStatistics The following j2eeStatistics groups provide statistics for performance monitoring:
j2eeServletStatGroup – servlet statistics.
j2eeEjbStatGroup – EJB statistics.
j2eeJavaMailStatGroup – JavaMail statistics.
j2eeJtaStatStatGroup – JTA resource statistics.
j2eeJcaStatStatGroup – statistics of nonpooled connections and the connection pools associated with the referencing JCA resource or connection factory.
j2eeJdbcStatStatGroup – statistics of nonpooled connections and the connection pools associated with the referencing JDBC resource or connection factory.
j2eeJmsStatStatGroup – JVM statistics.