The weighted-load distribution policy uses the current number of waiting threads for the selected thread monitor to determine the least-loaded server.
If the load-balancing context path prefix uses:
A cluster name, the default thread monitor is used
A partition name, the default thread monitor is used, but you can change this by setting the loadBlancingMonitor property for the partition
Load balancing works best when the value of the thread monitor’s maximumActiveThreads property is nonzero. If the value is zero, there is no limit.
As a general rule, set the value of maximumActiveThreads to 20 threads per CPU. Sybase recommends that you test your system’s performance to determine whether this value is optimal.
A cluster may include any number of (possibly overlapping)
partitions, and each partition may use a different load-balancing
monitor. However, it is generally only appropriate to choose a load-balancing
monitor that matches a thread monitor in use by the servers across
which the load will be balanced. Check the web.threadMonitor, ejb.localThreadMonitor and ejb.remoteThreadMonitor properties
in the Ant configuration scripts for your deployed EJB and Web modules,
to determine which thread monitors are appropriate for load balancing.
The default thread monitor is preconfigured with a maximumActiveThreads property value of zero. Change this to a nonzero value to use the Web-load balancer with a load-weighted random distribution.