Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and gateways

You can connect components to Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, OmniConnect™, or DirectConnect™ using ODBC, JDBC, or Sybase Open Client™ Client-Library™.

To use JDBC, use the Management Console to define a JDBC data source that connects using the JDK 1.4 or later implementation of the jConnect driver. EAServer includes jConnect 6.05 runtime classes in DJC_HOME/lib/ext/jconn3.jar, which is in the server’s CLASSPATH by default. See the jConnect documentation for details on using jConnect, including:

The jConnect documentation is available on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site.

NotejConnect metadata support required If you have transactional components that use jConnect data sources, make sure the jConnect DatabaseMetaData stored procedures are installed on the database server.