Tracing provides information about activities carried out by an application. Trace output is sent to the server’s log file. To establish the level of detail for logging and tracing, select the Log/Trace tab, and select or unselect the properties described below.
You can also enable these logging and tracing properties on the command line or in the setenv.bat[sh] file—see “Configuring system logging”.
For information on viewing the log files, see “Viewing server log files”.
Capture Console Output in Log Writes messages that display in the console to the server log file. The name of the configuration property is captureConsoleOutput.
Echo Deploy Log to Console When you deploy a module to EAServer, displays the deployment status in the console. The name of the configuration property is deployConsoleOutput.
Echo Server Log to Console Displays the contents of the server log file in the console. The name of the configuration property is echoLog.
Enable HTTP Request Log Generates an HTTP request log. Logs are named serverName-http-YYYY-MM-DD.log and created in the logs subdirectory. serverName is replaced with the name of the server and YYYY-MM-DD is replaced with the current date. The name of the configuration property is enableHttpRequestLog and the default value is false.
Enable java.sql.DriverManager Log Writes DriverManager log messages to the server log. If not selected, messages are discarded. The name of the configuration property is enableDriverManagerLog.
Generate Exception Cross Reference Select to cross-reference exceptions in the server log file. The name of the configuration property is exRef, and the default value is false.
Generate Transaction Cross Reference Select to cross-reference transactions in the server log file. The name of the configuration property is txRef, and the default value is false.
Log Application Exceptions Write application exceptions to the server log. The name of the configuration property is logApplicationExceptions, and the default value is true.
If a deployed module requires that application exceptions be logged, enable exception logging by setting either the ejb.logExceptions (EJB) or web.logExceptions (Web applications) property in the module’s XML configuration script to true. You can edit this script in the Management Console, using the module’s Configuration tab.
Log System Exceptions Write system exceptions to the server log. The name of the configuration property is logSystemExceptions, and the default value is true.
If a deployed module requires that system exceptions be logged, enable exception logging by setting either the ejb.logExceptions or web.logExceptions property in the module’s XML configuration script to true. You can edit this script in the Management Console, using the module’s Configuration tab.
JMX Logging Level Select the logging level for the Systems Management JMX agent. The name of the configuration property is mx4jLoggingLevel, and the default value is error. See “Running the SNMP subagent”.
Enable RMI-IIOP Trace Traces remote method invocations for IIOP and RMI-IIOP in the server log. The name of the configuration property is rmiTrace, and the default value is false. You can also enable RMI-IIOP tracing on the command line, which does not change the value in the server properties file.
WARNING! Enabling this feature may result in plain-text passwords appearing in the server log, depending on the authentication mechanism used by remote clients.
Enable RMI Local Trace Traces local RMI method invocations (intercomponent calls) in the server log. The name of the configuration property is rmiTraceLocal, and the default value is false.
Enable EJB Trace Traces EJB component invocations in the server log. The name of the configuration property is ejbTrace, and the default value is false.
Enable Web Trace Traces Web component invocations in the server log. The name of the configuration property is webTrace, and the default value is false.
Enable JMS Trace Traces Java Message Service (JMS) operations in the server log. All public and protected JMS provider methods are traced. The name of the configuration property is jmsTrace, and the default value is false.
Enable SQL Trace Traces JDBC driver activity in the server log, including JDBC prepared statement operations, parameter and result information for container managed persistence operations (queries and updates), and transaction commit/rollback operations. The name of the configuration property is sqlTrace, and the default value is false.