Generates and compiles EJB client stub classes.
stub-compiler interface1 interface2 ...
Where interface1, interface2, and so forth, are the names of EJB remote and home interfaces, for example:
stub-compiler com.sybase.easerver.tutorials.ejb.Query com.sybase.easerver.tutorials.ejb.QueryHome
The code base to load the specified classes must be listed in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
stub-compiler compiles the stub implementation classes to the genfiles/java/classes subdirectory of the EAServer installation. Stub classes are in the Java package named by appending iiop_stubs to the package name of the interface class. For example, for interface com.sybase.easerver.tutorials.ejb.Query, the Java stub package is com.sybase.easerver.tutorials.ejb.iiop_stubs.
You can run stub-compiler to manually generate stubs for any EJB remote or home interface. You need not manually generate stubs for EJB-JAR files deployed to EAServer. When you deploy an EJB-JAR file, EAServer automatically creates stubs under the genfiles/java/classes subdirectory of the EAServer installation.
Use stub-compiler if the Java client will run with a JRE, rather than a full JDK. That is, if the client does not have a Java compiler available.