

Migrates J2EE applications, Web applications, Web services, EJBs, connectors, application clients, roles, configured queues, configured topics, queue connection factories, topic connection factories, and other entities from EAServer 5.x to EAServer 6.0.

The migrate command has these restrictions:


migrate <-options> <-deploy_options>

Optionally, specify a timeout for interactions with the 5.x server:

migrate -Ddjc.migrateJagtoolTimeout=600 <-options> <-deploy_options>

A timeout prevents the migration tool from hanging in the rare occurrence that jagtool commands to the remote server encounter problems.




The default. If you use this option, all other options are ignored, and migrate starts a graphical user interface with which to migrate your EAServer 5.x entities. See the Migration Guide for complete instructions.


Runs the migration tool from the command line and allows other command line options. If you do not enter the -console option, migrate uses the -gui option.


If you use this option, migrate allows you to migrate specific entities using the form EntityType:EntityName. For example:

migrate -entity ConnCache:Javacache


The EAServer 5.x installation directory from which you are migrating.

You must either specify the full path to the EAServer 5.x directory or, if you do not specify a path, migrate uses the JAGUAR environment variable. If JAGUAR is empty, an error displays.


A temporary directory used by the migrate command.

The default is a temporary directory in ${djc.home}/migrate.


The host name on which the EAServer 5.x installation resides.

The default is the value of the JAGUAR_HOST_NAME environment variable set in bin/setenv.bat (or setenv.sh) of the EAServer 5.x installation directory


The EAServer IIOP port number used to connect to EAServer 5.x. The default is 9000.


The name of the user connecting to EAServer 5.x. The default is jagadmin.


The password for eas5user. The default is an empty password (no value).


The host name on which the EAServer 6.0 installation resides.

The default value is the name of the host on which EAServer 6.0 resides.


The EAServer IIOP port number used to connect to EAServer 6.0.


The name of the administrative user connecting to EAServer 6.0.


The password for adminuser.


The EAServer HTTP port number used to connect to EAServer 5.x. The default is 8000. This is required for migrating EAServer 5.x Web services. See the Migration Guide for more information about migrating Web services.


The EAServer port number used to connect to EAServer 6.0. This is required for migrating EAServer 5.x Web services.

-doCheck true | false

Examines the EAServer 5.x installation to determine which entities are available to migrate. The default is true.

-doExport true | false

Exports the entities to the migration output directory. The default is true.

-doDeploy true | false

Deploys the exported entities to the EAServer 6.0 installation. The default is true.

-overwrite true | false

Overwrite the contents of the output directory location. The default is false.


Displays output messages of the migration command to the console.


Migration output messages are minimal.

The migration is performed in three steps:

  1. Check – examines the EAServer 5.x server to determine the entities available to migrate.

  2. Export – the EAServer 5.x entities are exported to the migration output directory.

  3. Deploy – exported entities are deployed individually to the destination EAServer 6.0 installation.

NoteWhen overwrite is true at the “Check” step, all files in the migration output directory are deleted.

When overwrite is true at the “Deploy” step, deploying an entity fails if the entity already exists in the target EAServer 6.0 installation.

After running migrate, check the migrate.log file for error and informational messages. migrate.log is located in the EAServer 6.0 bin subdirectory.


Example 1

This example migrates an existing EAServer 5.x repository, identified by the JAGUAR environment variable, to the current EAServer 6.0 installation with overwrite set to true:

migrate -overwrite true

Example 2

This example migrates from a specific EAServer 5.x directory, using the doExport option, then uses doDeploy to deploy to an EAServer 6.0 installation:

migrate -eas5dir f:\sybase\jag52025p5 -eas5host testhost -eas5port 9000 -eas5user jagadmin -doExport -eas5outdir c:	temp\migrate1
migrate -doDeploy -eas5outdir c:t	emp\migrate1
2005-09-16 14:08:52.210 INFO  main [MigrateTool] Migrated archive files are in c:	emp\migrate1
2005-09-16 14:08:52.835 INFO  main [DeployTool] Extracting files from archive: C:	emp\migrate1\HelloWorldApp.ear