Issue a file service command to a server or cluster from the command line.
wfs supports these command options:
wfs [- svr <server> | -cluster <cluster>] get <remote-file> <local-file>
wfs [- svr <server> | -cluster <cluster>] put <local-file> <remote-file>
wfs [- svr <server> | -cluster <cluster>] delete <remote-file>
Where server
or cluster is
the name of the server or cluster to which you are issuing the command.
You must log in to the server (host and port) to which you are issuing the command before running wsh. For example:
wlogin test-pc:8000
Command |
Description |
Gets a file <remote-file> from the server or cluster to which you are connected and creates a local file with the name <local-file>. |
Puts a file <local-file> on the server or cluster to which you are connected with the name <remote-file>. |
Deletes the file <remote-file> from the server or cluster to which you are connected. |
From the bin subdirectory of the EAServer installation, this example logs in to the server test-pc, then deletes HelloWorld.jar from the deploy subdirectory:
wlogin test-pc:8000 Username: admin@system Password: admin1 wfs delete ~/deploy/HelloWorld.jar