In EAServer 6.0, the Sybase Management Console, which is a Web-based user interface, provides the graphical user interface to EAServer. The Management Console offers functionality similar to Sybase Central, including support for servlet and JSP-based Web applications. The Management Console uses JavaScript, but also functions correctly if JavaScript is disabled.
The Management Console provides graphical administration facilities for EAServer, including support for deployment and runtime monitoring of applications. The Management Console enables users to perform administrative tasks from a Web browser, including managing files, monitoring system components, and editing text files.
Throughout the rest of this book, the Sybase Management Console is called the Management Console.
Accessing EAServer using the Management Console
To use the Management Console, you must be the admin@system user or belong to the admin-role role. If you are connecting for the first time, set the password for the admin@system user as described in “Setting the password for the administrative user”.
To manage EAServer, log in to the Management Console, then connect to the server.
In a Web browser, access the following URL, where host is the name of the machine where EAServer is running and port is the HTTP port number. The default port number is 8000.
In the login window, enter your user name and password, and click Login.
The Management Console connects to the preconfigured server.