Creating export configurations

You can create an export configuration either using the Management Console or on the command line. After you create an export configuration, define the classes and entities to include, and if appropriate, define the dependencies. Finally, build the export configuration to make it available for synchronization.

When you create a cluster, these export configuration files are generated automatically:

StepsCreating an export configuration using the Management Console

  1. In the left pane, highlight Export Configurations, right-click, and select Add.

  2. Complete the wizard to create a new export configuration.

  3. Define the components of the export configuration.

StepsCreating an export configuration on the command line

  1. Change to the bin subdirectory of your EAServer installation, and run:

    export [-exportDir path] [-exportGenFiles] [-server host:port] entities

    See export.

StepsDefining the components of an export configuration

  1. In the left pane, select the export configuration to define.

  2. In the right pane, define the export configuration properties on the tabs described below. Select Apply on each tab to save your changes.

  3. To use the export configuration for synchronizing or backup, build the export configuration—see “Building an export configuration using the Management Console”.