Deploying connectors

The J2EE connector architecture enables you to write portable Java applications that can access multiple transactional enterprise information systems. The EAServer connector implementation defines the relationship between the application server and a resource adapter, also known as a connector. A connector is a specialized connection factory that provides connections for EJBs, Java servlets, JSPs, and CORBA-Java components. A JCA 1.5 connector can include a message listener. You can receive messages through a connector by mapping its message listener to an MDB.

StepsImporting a connector

Using the Management Console, you can import a connector from a J2EE resource archive (RAR) file.

  1. Highlight Connector Modules, right-click, and select Deploy.

  2. In the Deploy wizard:

    1. Enter the name of the RAR file, or click Browse and select the file.

    2. Enter a name for the connector module or accept the default, and specify whether to overwrite an existing module with the same name.

    3. Specify whether to validate the deployment descriptors during deployment.

    4. Specify whether to install the module into a server, and select the server.

    5. To save a copy of the archive, enter the location. If the RAR does not include an Ant configuration file, the system generates one automatically, and adds it to the archive copy.

  3. The Deploy wizard reads the archive file and creates the connector. Errors are displayed in the status window. Review the status information, then click Close.

When you deploy a connector, the system creates the following connector subfolders:

To configure connector properties, see “Configuring connectors”.

StepsExporting a connector

  1. To export a connector, create an export configuration that contains the connector—see Chapter 7, “Exporting Server Modules.”