Use the Management Console to configure EAServer and to define and deploy software components.
Application developers can use the Management Console to view the Ant configuration files that define EAServer and its components, and to create and edit user-configuration files for installed modules.
To simplify application deployment, the Management Console defines the following basic, middle-tier application units:
Application – a group of packages and Web applications bundled into a single unit.
Cluster – a set of servers that share configuration information and run the same set of components.
Component – contains the methods that execute business logic and access data sources.
Export configuration – a set of files, Java classes, and entities (application clients, applications, connectors, EJBs, and Web applications) bundled into a single unit for easy deployment between servers.
Server – an EAServer runtime process with its own network addresses for client session connections and for HTTP (HTML) connections.
Web application – a unit of deployment for interrelated Web content, JavaServer Pages (JSPs), and Java servlets.
Web component – a servlet or JSP installed in a Web application.
The Refresh menu option allows you to refresh components and servers, which lets you test and debug component implementation changes without restarting the server.