Once started, the JMX agent consists of a JVM running in the same process as EAServer. It acts as a server, having a number of listener threads that are implemented via JMX adapters. These threads include one that responds to SNMP requests and another that responds to RMI requests. The JMX agent contains a number of MBeans, which are accessible via the listeners. The MBeans provide a variety of services, some of which are JMX related. Other services are related to the applications that the JMX agent is being used to manage.
When you start the JMX agent, the Bootstrap MBean loads the MBeans and services that are defined in DJC_HOME/config/jmx/boot.xml.The JMX agent is based on the MX4J Release 3.0.1.
The remainder of this section describes the capabilities of the JMX agent in more detail.