Configuration tab

The Configuration tab displays the Ant configuration script that defines this connector.

StepsChanging connector properties

To change connector properties, edit the user configuration file, rather than the Ant configuration script.

  1. If you see a User Configuration tab, select it; otherwise:

    1. In the left pane, highlight the connector, right-click, and select Create User Configuration.

    2. Highlight the connector again, right-click, and select Refresh Node. A user configuration script is created and displays in a new User Configuration tab. Select the tab.

  2. Add properties and values you want to change. You can copy property definitions from the Ant configuration script, then edit the values. If you reconfigure or recompile the connector, the property values in the user configuration script override the property values in the Ant script.

    For information about creating and configuring Ant scripts and user configuration scripts, see Chapter 2, “Ant-Based Configuration,” in the EAServer Automated Configuration Guide.

  3. Recompile the connector. In the left pane, highlight the connector, right-click, and select Run Ant Recompile.

  4. Refresh the server.