How to find the information you need

This book describes how to connect to your database in the InfoMaker development environment.

Basic connection procedure

The following table gives an overview of the connection procedure and indicates where you can find detailed information about each step.

Table 1-1: Basic connection procedure






(Optional) Get an introduction to database connections in InfoMaker

If necessary, learn more about how InfoMaker connects to a database

Chapter 1 (this chapter)


Prepare to use the data source or database before connecting to it for the first time in InfoMaker

Install the required network, database server, and database client software and verify that you can connect to the database

For ODBC data sources: Chapter 2, “Using the ODBC Interface”

For JDBC data sources: Chapter 3, “Using the JDBC Interface”

For OLE DB data sources: Chapter 4, “Using the OLE DB Interface”

For native database interfaces: Chapter 5, “Using Native Database Interfaces”


Install the driver, database provider, or native database interface required to access your data

Install the ODBC driver, OLE DB data provider, or native database interface

For a list of what is supported on your platform: “Supported Database Interfaces” in online Help


Define the data source (ODBC connections and some OLE DB drivers)

Create the required configuration for a data source accessed through ODBC

For ODBC data sources: Chapter 2, “Using the ODBC Interface”


Define the database interface

Create the database profile

For ODBC data sources: Chapter 2, “Using the ODBC Interface”

For JDBC data sources: Chapter 3, “Using the JDBC Interface”

For OLE DB data sources: Chapter 4, “Using the OLE DB Interface”

For native database interfaces: Chapter 5, “Using Native Database Interfaces”


Connect to the data source or database

Access the data in InfoMaker

Chapter 11, “Managing Database Connections”


(Optional) Set additional connection parameters

If necessary, set database parameters and database preferences to fine-tune your database connection and take advantage of DBMS-specific features that your interface supports

For procedures: Chapter 12, “Setting Additional Connection Parameters”

For database parameter and preference descriptions: online Help


(Optional) Troubleshoot the data connection

If necessary, use the trace tools to troubleshoot problems with your connection

Chapter 13, “Troubleshooting Your Connection”