By default, the Database Trace tool is turned off in InfoMaker. You can start it to trace your database connection.
To start the Database Trace tool:
Open the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the connection you want to trace.
On the Connection tab, select the Generate Trace check box and click OK or Apply. (The Generate Trace check box is located on the System tab in the OLE DB Database Profile Setup dialog box.)
The Database Profiles dialog box displays with the name of the edited profile highlighted.
For example, here is the relevant portion of a database profile entry for Adaptive Server 12.5 Test. The setting that starts Database Trace is DBMS:
[Default] [value not set]
AutoCommit "FALSE"
Database "qadata"
DatabasePassword "00"
DBMS "TRACE SYC Adaptive Server Enterprise"
DbParm "Release='12.5'"
Lock ""
LogId "qalogin"
LogPassword "00171717171717"
Prompt "FALSE"
ServerName "Host125"
UserID ""
Click Connect in the Database Profiles dialog box to connect to the database.
The Database Trace dialog box displays, indicating that database tracing is enabled. You can enter the file location where InfoMaker writes the trace output. By default, InfoMaker writes Database Trace output to a log file named DBTRACE.LOG. You can change the log file name and location in the Database Trace dialog box.
The Database Trace dialog box also lets you select the level of trace information that you want in the database trace file.
Select the types of items you want to include in the trace file and click OK.
InfoMaker connects to the database and starts tracing the connection.