Selected text and paragraphs

You can specify detailed font formatting for selected text. The selected text can be one character or many paragraphs.

If an input field is part of the selection, the font settings apply to it, too. A picture that is part of the selection ignores settings for the selected text object.

StepsTo specify formatting for selected text:

  1. Select the text you want to format.

  2. Right-click in the Design view and select Properties from the pop-up menu.

    The Selected Text Object dialog box displays. You can set:


There are also settings for selected paragraphs. You can display the Paragraph dialog box by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S. The user can double-click the ruler bar or press the key combination to display the same dialog box.

Default font

You can change the default font by double-clicking on the toolbar or pressing Ctrl+Shift+D. You cannot change the default font in the painter.