Database management

The data you are working with is stored in a database. In InfoMaker, you use the Database painter to work with databases and administer them. In a database, you can create tables (which hold the data), views (which provide an easy way to use the data), indexes, and keys.

The Database painter provides a graphical interface that helps you work with databases:

The sample shows the Database painter. At top left is a scrollable list of Tables. At top right is the Object Layout box displaying two tables, fin _ data and fin _ code, and the names of their columns. Shown are icons for primary and foreign keys on lines that connect and indicate the key relationships between the two tables. At bottom is the Extended Attributes page, which displays a tree structure  of available Display Formats and Edit Styles.

You can also define extended attributes for columns in tables. These extended attributes let you store information about columns in the database for use in reports and forms. For example, you can define an edit style and a validation rule for a column. Once they are defined, anytime you use that column in a form, each entry in the column is checked against the validation rule. If the entry does not pass validation, InfoMaker tells you.