

Settings that specify the physical path to which generated JavaScript is published and the URL indicating the location of the generated JavaScript.

Applies to

DataWindow objects


Describe and Modify argument:

"DataWindow.JSGen.property { = ' value ' }"




One of the following:

  • PublishPath

  • ResourceBase


(exp) PublishPath – A string that specifies the physical path of the Web site folder to which PowerBuilder publishes the generated JavaScript.

(exp) ResourceBase – A string that specifies the URL of the generated JavaScript for performing client-side XSLT transformation and instantiation of client-side data.


The PublishPath folder must correspond to the URL specified in the ResourceBase property. At runtime, after PowerBuilder generates JavaScript to the PublishPath folder, it includes it in the final XHTML page by referencing it with the value of the ResourceBase property in a <script> element.

In the painter

In the JavaScript Generation tab in the Properties view for the DataWindow object, select XHTML from the Format to Configure list and specify the ResourceBase and Publish Path locations.