This section lists and describes all of the columns in each of the extended attribute system tables.
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbt_tnam |
Table name |
2 |
pbt_tid |
Adaptive Server Enterprise Object ID of table (used for Adaptive Server Enterprise only) |
3 |
pbt_ownr |
Table owner |
4 |
pbd_fhgt |
Data font height, PowerBuilder units |
5 |
pbd_fwgt |
Data font stroke weight (400=Normal, 700=Bold) |
6 |
pbd_fitl |
Data font Italic (Y=Yes, N=No) |
7 |
pbd_funl |
Data font Underline (Y=Yes, N=No) |
8 |
pbd_fchr |
Data font character set (0=ANSI, 2=Symbol, 255=OEM) |
9 |
pbd_fptc |
Data font pitch and family (see note) |
10 |
pbd_ffce |
Data font typeface |
11 |
pbh_fhgt |
Headings font height, PowerBuilder units |
12 |
pbh_fwgt |
Headings font stroke weight (400=Normal, 700=Bold) |
13 |
pbh_fitl |
Headings font Italic (Y=Yes, N=No) |
14 |
pbh_funl |
Headings font Underline (Y=Yes, N=No) |
15 |
pbh_fchr |
Headings font character set (0=ANSI, 2=Symbol, 255=OEM) |
16 |
pbh_fptc |
Headings font pitch and family (see note) |
17 |
pbh_ffce |
Headings font typeface |
18 |
pbl_fhgt |
Labels font height, PowerBuilder units |
19 |
pbl_fwgt |
Labels font stroke weight (400=Normal, 700=Bold) |
20 |
pbl_fitl |
Labels font Italic (Y=Yes, N=No) |
21 |
pbl_funl |
Labels font Underline (Y=Yes, N=No) |
22 |
pbl_fchr |
Labels font character set (0=ANSI, 2=Symbol, 255=OEM) |
23 |
pbl_fptc |
Labels font pitch and family (see note) |
24 |
pbl_ffce |
Labels font typeface |
25 |
pbt_cmnt |
Table comments |
About font pitch and family
Font pitch and family is a number obtained by adding together
two constants:
Pitch: 0=Default, 1=Fixed, 2=Variable
Family: 0=No Preference, 16=Roman, 32=Swiss, 48=Modern, 64=Script, 80=Decorative
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbc_tnam |
Table name |
2 |
pbc_tid |
Adaptive Server Enterprise Object ID of table (used for Adaptive Server Enterprise only) |
3 |
pbc_ownr |
Table owner |
4 |
pbc_cnam |
Column name |
5 |
pbc_cid |
Adaptive Server Enterprise Column ID (used for Adaptive Server Enterprise only) |
6 |
pbc_labl |
Label |
7 |
pbc_lpos |
Label position (23=Left, 24=Right) |
8 |
pbc_hdr |
Heading |
9 |
pbc_hpos |
Heading position (23=Left, 24=Right, 25=Center) |
10 |
pbc_jtfy |
Justification (23=Left, 24=Right) |
11 |
pbc_mask |
Display format name |
12 |
pbc_case |
Case (26=Actual, 27=UPPER, 28=lower) |
13 |
pbc_hght |
Column height, PowerBuilder units |
14 |
pbc_wdth |
Column width, PowerBuilder units |
15 |
pbc_ptrn |
Validation rule name |
16 |
pbc_bmap |
Bitmap/picture (Y=Yes, N=No) |
17 |
pbc_init |
Initial value |
18 |
pbc_cmnt |
Column comments |
19 |
pbc_edit |
Edit style name |
20 |
pbc_tag |
(Reserved) |
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbf_name |
Display format name |
2 |
pbf_frmt |
Display format |
3 |
pbf_type |
Datatype to which format applies |
4 |
pbf_cntr |
Concurrent-usage flag |
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbv_name |
Validation rule name |
2 |
pbv_vald |
Validation rule |
3 |
pbv_type |
Datatype to which validation rule applies |
4 |
pbv_cntr |
Concurrent-usage flag |
5 |
pbv_msg |
Validation error message |
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbe_name |
Edit style name |
2 |
pbe_edit |
Format string (edit style type dependent; see “Edit style types for the PBCatEdt table”) |
3 |
pbe_type |
Edit style type (see Table B-7) |
4 |
pbe_cntr |
Revision counter (increments each time edit style is altered) |
5 |
pbe_seqn |
Row sequence number for edit types requiring more than one row in PBCatEdt table |
6 |
pbe_flag |
Edit style flag (edit style type dependent) |
7 |
pbe_work |
Extra field (edit style type dependent) |