Property for text |
M |
S |
Description |
x |
A description of the control for use by assistive technology tools. |
x |
A descriptive label for the control. |
A description of the kind of user-interface element that the control is. |
x |
x |
The alignment of the text. |
A list of the properties of the text control. |
x |
x |
(exp) Background settings for the text control. |
The band containing the text control. |
x |
x |
(exp) The type of border around the text control. |
x |
x |
(exp) The text color. |
x |
x |
(exp) Font settings for the text. |
x |
(exp) The height of the text control. |
x |
Whether the control’s height is adjusted to fit the data. |
x |
Whether the control appears once per page when printing newspaper columns. |
x |
(exp) Settings for creating a hyperlink for the text. |
x |
Whether the user can move the text control. |
The name of the text control. |
x |
(exp) The pointer image when it is over the text control. |
x |
Whether the user can resize the text control. |
x |
(exp) Whether the text control moves left to fill space. |
x |
(exp) How the text control moves up to fill empty space. |
x |
The position of the text in the tab order. |
x |
(exp) The tag text for the text control. |
x |
(exp) The displayed text. |
The control’s type, which is Text. |
x |
(exp) Whether the control is visible. |
x |
(exp) The width of the text control. |
x |
(exp) The x coordinate of the text control. |
x |
(exp) The y coordinate of the text control. |