The CLOSE statement terminates processing for the specified cursor. CLOSE releases resources associated with the cursor, and subsequent references to that cursor are allowed only if another OPEN is executed. Although you can have multiple cursors open at the same time, you should close the cursors as soon as possible for efficiency reasons.
Unlike the DB-Library™ interface to SQL Server, the CT-Library interface lets you issue other commands while a cursor is open.
In this example, the additional request for the employee name (shown in bold) is issued while the cursor is open. Under the DB-Library interface, this request would have failed and returned a Results Pending message. Under the CT-Library interface, it succeeds.
string dname long depthead string fname string lname
SQLCA.dbms = "SYC" SQLCA.database = "mzctest" SQLCA.logid = "mikec" SQLCA.logpass = "mikecx" SQLCA.servername = "SYB1001" SQLCA.autocommit = "false"
CONNECT USING SQLCA; if SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0 then MessageBox("Connect Error",SQLCA.sqlerrtext) end if
DECLARE dept_curs CURSOR FOR SELECT dept_name, dept_head_id FROM department; OPEN dept_curs; if SQLCA.sqlcode < 0 then MessageBox("Open Cursor",SQLCA.sqlerrtext) end if
DO WHILE SQLCA.sqlcode = 0 FETCH dept_curs INTO :dname, :depthead; if SQLCA.sqlcode < 0 then MessageBox("Fetch Error",SQLCA.sqlerrtext) elseif SQLCA.sqlcode = 0 then SELECT emp_fname, emp_lname INTO :fname,:lname FROM employee WHERE emp_id = :depthead; if SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0 then MessageBox("Singleton Select", & SQLCA.sqlerrtext) end if end if LOOP
CLOSE dept_curs; if SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0 then MessageBox("Close Cursor", SQLCA.sqlerrtext) end if