Database stored procedures frequently contain temporary tables that are used as repositories when accumulating rows during processing within the procedure. Since Adaptive Server Enterprise requires you to execute Data Definition Language (DDL) statements outside the scope of a transaction unless you set the database option “ddl in tran” to true, PowerBuilder provides the boolean AutoCommit property in the transaction object to allow you to handle these cases.
The setting of AutoCommit determines whether PowerBuilder issues SQL statements inside or outside the scope of a transaction. When AutoCommit is set to false or 0 (the default), SQL statements are issued inside the scope of a transaction. When you set AutoCommit to true or 1, SQL statements are issued outside the scope of a transaction.
To execute Adaptive Server Enterprise stored procedures containing DDL statements, you must either set “ddl in tran” to true, or set AutoCommit to true so PowerBuilder issues the statements outside the scope of a transaction. However, if AutoCommit is set to true, you cannot issue a ROLLBACK. Therefore, you should set AutoCommit back to false (the default) immediately after completing the DDL operation.
When you change the value of AutoCommit from false to true, PowerBuilder issues a COMMIT statement.