The CtsSecurity.SSLSession and CtsSecurity.SSLSessionInfo classes allow a client application to determine whether SSL is used on connections from a proxy to the server, and if so, to retrieve the SSL session settings and display them to the user. For a list of the properties for which you can retrieve values, see the EAServer interface repository documentation for SessionInfo in a Web browser by connecting to your server at http://hostname:portnumber/ir/CtsSecurity__SSLSessionInfo.html.
long rc string stmp CTSSecurity_sslSessionInfo mySessionInfo rc = thesessioninfo._narrow( mySessionInfo, & "SessionInfo" ) MessageBox( str_header, "Narrow: rc=" + string(rc)) sTmp = "Properties" sTmp = "~nVersion: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "Version" ) sTmp = "~nHost: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "host" ) stmp += "~nport: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "port" ) stmp += "~nciphersuite: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "ciphersuite" ) stmp += "~nCertificateLabel: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "certificateLabel" ) stmp += "~nUserData: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "UserData" ) stmp += "~ntokenName: " stmp += mySessionInfo.getProperty( "tokenName" ) stmp += "~nuseEntrustID: " stmp + = mySessionInfo.getProperty( "useEntrustID" ) MessageBox( str_header, stmp)