
Replication Server can set autocorrection on a replication definition to prevent failures that may otherwise be caused by duplicate rows in a replicated table.

The set autocorrection command corrects discrepancies that may occur during the nonatomic materialization process by converting each update or insert operation into a delete followed by an insert.

When you set autocorrection on a marked table using the Replication Agents API, ra_set_autocorrection, Replication Agent sends all columns, instead of sending only those columns that have changed in the update statement, to Replication Server. When Replication Agent sets autocorrection for one specific marked table or for all tables, the corresponding change applies to the primary database.

The primary databases that support autocorrection are:

See the Replication Agent 15.5 Primary Database Guide > > Replication Agent for Microsoft SQL > Replication Server set autocorrection Command and the Replication Agent 15.5 Reference Manual > Command Reference > ra_set_autocorrection.