A simple heterogeneous replication scenario replicates
one-way from an Adaptive Server primary database to a non-ASE replicate.
only unique requirements are a component to apply transaction data to the replicate
database, and the application of the HDS feature of Replication Server to translate
Adaptive Server datatypes to the native datatypes of the replicate database.
more detailed information about HDS, see Replication Server Administration
Guide Volume 1 > Manage Replicated Tables > Translating Datatypes
Using HDS.
Replication System Components
The components required for an Adaptive Server primary to non-ASE replicate configuration are:
- Adaptive Server
primary database
- Replication Server
- ExpressConnect for Oracle to replicate to Oracle or a relevant ECDA database gateway designed for the replicate
data server, such as ECDA Option for ODBC for Microsoft SQL
- Non-ASE replicate data server. For example, Microsoft
SQL Server
Replication System Issues
In an Adaptive Server primary to non-ASE replicate configuration, consider:
- The Replication
Server database connection for the replicate database must include
a valid user ID and password (the maintenance user) for the replicate
database. This user ID must have authority to apply replicate transactions
in the replicate database.
- Create the Replication Server replicate database connection
using the correct profile for the replicate database.
The connection profile specifies the correct function-string class
and error class for the replicate database, and additionally may
contain class-level translation definitions and replicate database
object creation, to support replication.