Replication Server includes a toolset for quickly setting up a reference implementation of Oracle to Oracle replication using the products available in your environment.
You can implement a replication environment as a reference to demonstrate Replication Server features and functionalities. Use the toolset to:
Build Replication Server and the primary and replicate databases.
Configure the database replication environment.
Perform simple transactions on the primary database and replicate the changes using database-level replication.
Collect statistics and monitors counters from the replication processing in step 3.
Clean up the reference replication environment.
The reference implementation toolset consists of scripts that are in $SYBASE/REP-15_5/REFIMP-01_0.
See Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 > Implement a Reference Replication Environment for requirements, instructions, a sample configuration file, and the objects created by implementing the reference environment.