Learn to validate UDD and translation installation.
Subsequent changes to the function strings stored in the RSSD do not take effect until the Replication Server is restarted.
The Replication Server connection profile provides the SQL statements necessary to apply class-level translations to the RSSD of the replicate Replication Server for a specific combination of non-ASE primary databases to non-ASE replicate databases.
You can re-run these connection profiles without failure. Verify that your copy of the connection profiles has been updated with the correct use statement for the database name of the RSSD.
To take advantage of class-level translations, the replicate Replication Server connection must use the correct non-ASE function-string class.
You can use the Replication Server rs_helpdb command to determine which function-string class is defined for a database connection.
Use the Replication Server admin show_function_classes command to display a list of active function-string classes.
Use the Replication Server alter connection command to change the function-string class of an existing database connection.
Replication Server connection profile rs_xxx_xxx provides the SQL statements necessary to apply function strings to the RSSD of the replicate Replication Server for a specific non-ASE replicate database.
For each function string, the connection profile issue a delete followed by an insert. You can re-run these connection profiles without failure.
Verify that your copy of the connection profile has been updated with the correct use statement for the database name of the RSSD.
The admin translate command allows you to verify the results of a specific translation. Use this command to verify that the translation engine is providing the translation results you expect.
See the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 1 > Manage Replicated Tables > Translate Datatypes Using HDS for more information about heterogeneous datatype support (HDS) and the admin translate command.