Start the Replication Agent for Oracle (RAO) instance and connect to it using isql.
ra_config pdb_include_archives, true go ra_config pdb_archive_path, <path-to-oracle-archive-directory> go
ra_config pds_host_name, <the host name of the standby oracle> go ra_config pds_port_number <the port number of the standby oracle> go ra_config pds_database_name,<the standby oracle database name> go ra_config pds_username, <the oracle user for Replication Agent> go ra_config pds_password, <password> go test_connection PDS go
Type Connection
---- ----------
PDS succeeded
ra_config rs_host_name, <the host name of the Replication Server> go ra_config rs_port_number, <the port number of the Replication Server> go ra_config rs_username, <the Replication Server user for Replication Agent> go ra_config rs_password, <password> go ra_config rs_source_ds ','<the DCON server name> go ra_config rs_source_db ','<the standby oracle database name> go
ra_config rs_source_ds, 'ordb' go rs_config rs_source_db, 'ordb' go
ra_config rssd_host_name <the host name of the ERSSD> go ra_config rssd_port_number, <the port number of the ERSSD> go ra_config rssd_username, <the ERSSD user for Replication Agent> go ra_config rssd_password, <password> go ra_config rssd_database_name, <the database name of the ERSSD> go test_connection RS go
Type Connection
---- ----------
RS succeeded
ra_config rs_charset, <the charset of the Replication Server>
ra_config pdb_auto_create_repdefs, true go
ra_config pdb_automark_tables, true go
pdb_xlog init
pdb_setrepddl enable
ra_config ra_standby,'true' go