The replication system components are described by their function and role in a Sybase replication system.
The replication system components include:
Primary data server
Replication Agent
Replication Server
Database gateway
ExpressConnect for Oracle
Replicate data server
Primary Data Server
A primary data server manages one or more primary databases, which are the sources of the data-changing operations or transactions in a replication system. The primary data server is configured to capture information needed for replication.
Replication Agent
Replication Agent transfers transaction information, which represents changes made to data schemas and execution of stored procedures, from a primary data server to a Replication Server, for distribution to other (replicate) databases.
Replication Server
The Replication Server at each primary or replicate site coordinates data replication activities for local data servers and exchanges data with Replication Servers at other sites.
Database Gateway
Database gateway allows clients using one communication protocol to connect with data servers that use a different protocol.
ExpressConnect for Oracle
ExpressConnect for Oracle provides direct communication between Replication Server and a replicate Oracle data server.
Replicate Data Server
Replicate data server manages a database that contains replicate data, which is data that is a “copy” of the data in a primary database.