Setting Sybase IQ Database Options

You can use the rs_session_setting function with the create function string command to set the values for Sybase IQ parameters for the duration of the connection to the Sybase IQ replicate database. For example, you can set parameter values to optimize performance.

  1. Create a new function-string class named my_iq_fclass and set rs_iq_function_class as the parent class:
    create function string class my_iq_fclass
    set parent to rs_iq_function_class
  2. Create the rs_session_setting function string for the my_iq_fclass function-string class, and include the Sybase IQ parameters and values you want to set.
    For example, you can set the values of the LOAD_MEMORY_MB, MINIMIZE_STORAGE, and JOIN_PREFERENCE Sybase IQ database options to optimize performance:
    create function string rs_session_setting
    for my_iq_fclass
    output language
    'set temporary option Load_Memory_MB=''200''
    set temporary option Minimize_Storage=''on''
    set temporary option join_preference=5'
    See Replication Server Reference Manual > Replication Server System Functions > rs_session_setting.
  3. Alter the connection to the iqdb database in the IQSRVR data server to use the my_iq_fclass function-string class:
    alter connection to IQSRVR.iqdb
    set function string class to my_iq_fclass