Warning! If there is already a maintenance user ID, the script resets the password to the default password.
grant connect to dbmaint identified by dbmaint
grant DBA to dbmaint
grant membership in group rs_systabgroup to dbmaint
-- Create a user for REPSRV to extract -- materialization data, etc.
-- Give sa user access to any replicated tables
-- Give sa user access to REPSRV schema
grant connect to sa identified by sysadmin
grant DBA to sa
grant membership in group rs_systabgroup to sa
-- Allow sa and dbmaint to reference replicated tables created by DBA
grant group to DBA
grant membership in group DBA to dbmaint
grant membership in group DBA to sa
This script is in the
scripts directory
within the Sybase IQ installation directory. For example, on UNIX
platforms in:
See the Sybase IQ Installation and Configuration
Guide for locations of directories.