SDK for SAP ASE Components

SDK for SAP ASE is a set of libraries and utilities for developing client applications.

It includes these components:
  • SAP® Open Client™ – a set of APIs used to develop and deploy C-language applications that access SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise data. Included on the installation medium are:
    • Drivers for integrating SAP® Client-Library and SAP Open Server applications with directory and security services

    • Sample programs for SAP Client-Library and SAP DB-Library™

  • SAP® Open Client Embedded SQL™/C – the precompiler that allows you to embed SAP® Transact-SQL® statements into C-language applications. The installation medium also includes sample programs for Embedded SQL/C.

  • SAP® Open Client Embedded SQL/COBOL – the precompiler that allows you to embed SAP Transact-SQL statements into COBOL-language applications. The installation medium also includes sample programs for SAP Embedded SQL/COBOL.

  • Language modules – provide system messages and datetime formats to help you localize your applications. Default installation includes these character sets:

    ASCII, for use with unspecified 8-bit data (ascii_8)

    BIG 5, Traditional Chinese with Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (big5hk)

    BIG 5, Traditional Chinese (big5)

    Microsoft Windows Code Page 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 866 (cp1250, cp1251, cp1252, cp1253, cp1254, cp1255, cp1256, cp1257, cp1258, cp866)

    IBM Code Page 852, 855, 857, 860, 864, 869, 874, 950 (cp437, cp850, cp852, cp855, cp857, cp860, cp864, cp869, cp874, cp950)

    Variant of Code Page 850 (cp858), IBM Code Page 932 for JIS-X0201 and JIS-X0208 (cp932)

    Code Page 437, 850 (cp437, cp850)

    CP936, Simplified Chinese (cp936)

    PC (MS) Korean (cp949)

    DEC Kanji Code for JIS-X0208 (deckanji)

    Extended UNIX Code for CNS-11643 (euccns)

    Extended UNIX Code for GB2312-80 (eucgb)

    Extended UNIX Code for JIS-X0201 and JIS-X0208 (eucjis)

    Extended UNIX Code for KSC-5601 (eucksc)

    P.R.C standard GB 18030-2000 (gb18030)

    HP Greek (greek8)

    ISO_8859-15 Latin9, Western Europe (iso15)

    ISO_8859-2 Latin2, Eastern Europe (iso88592)

    ISO_8859-5 Cyrillic (iso88595)

    ISO_8859-6 Arabic, ASMO-708 (iso88596)

    ISO_8859-7 Greek, ELOT_928 (iso88597)

    ISO_8859-8 Hebrew (iso88598)

    ISO_8859-9 Latin5, Turkish (iso88599)

    ISO 8859-1 (iso_1)

    KOI-8 Cyrillic 8-bit (koi8)

    Kazakhstan, Cyrillic (kz1048)

    Macintosh Western European locales (mac)

    Macintosh Cyrillic (mac_cyr)

    Macintosh, Eastern European (mac_ee)

    Macintosh with EURO support for Western European locales (mac_euro)

    Macintosh, Greek (macgrk2)

    Macintosh, Turkish (macturk)

    Hewlett-Packard Roman 8 and Roman 9 (roman8, roman9)

    IBM/Microsoft Code for JIS-X0201 and JIS-X0208 (sjis)

    Thailand Industrial Standard (tis620)

    HP Turkish, 8-bit (turkish8)

    Unicode UTF-8 encoding (utf8)

    Additional language modules:

    • Chinese

    • French

    • German

    • Japanese

    • Korean

    • Polish

    • Portuguese

    • Spanish

    • Thai

    Note: SDK for SAP ASE and SAP Open Server support the same character sets as SAP Adaptive Server.
  • SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise ODBC Driver, version 16.0.

  • SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise ADO.NET Data Provider versions 16.0 – allows you to access data in SAP Adaptive Server using any language supported by .NET, such as C#, Visual Basic.NET, C++ with managed extensions, and J#.

  • SAP® jConnect™ for JDBC – the JAVA implementation of the Java JDBC standard, which provides Java developers with native database access in multitier and heterogeneous environments. For SAP jConnect hardware and software requirements as well as installation instructions, see the SAP jConnect for JDBC Installation Guide.

  • SAP Extended Architecture (XA) Interface Library for SAP Adaptive Server Distributed Transaction Manager. Also included are sample programs for XA.

  • SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise extension module for Python scripting language allows Python developers to execute T-SQL queries against SAP Adaptive Server. See the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Extension Module for Python Programmers Guide for more details. The installation media includes samples.

  • SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise extension module for PHP scripting language allows PHP developers to execute SAP T-SQL queries against Adaptive Server. See the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Extension Module for PHP Programmers Guide for more details. The installation media includes samples.

  • SAP® Adaptive Server® Enterprise database driver for Perl allows Perl developers to execute T-SQL queries against SAP Adaptive Server. See the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Database Driver for PERL Programmers Guide for more details. The installation media includes samples.