If you have MainframeConnect for DB2 UDB installed at the mainframe, you have a prewritten transaction that processes SQL language requests to DB2. This transaction, called AMD2, uses DB2 dynamic SQL to process incoming SQL statements. AMD2 handles all language request processing; no additional code is required.
If you do not have MainframeConnect for DB2 UDB, or if you want to send language requests to a custom-written language handler, you must write your own language transaction. Gateway-Library includes language-handling functions for this purpose. An example of a program that executes SQL language requests is included on the API tape (SYCPSAL1) and is printed in Appendix C, “Sample Language Application for CICS.”
MainframeConnect is available only for MVS-CICS environments.
For IMS TM and native MVS environments, use OmniSQL Access Module
for DB2 for IMS TM and MVS with the SYRT transaction
for processing language requests. Cursors and dynamic SQL are not