4. Add statements to the TTLSConfig policy file

The TCPIPT stack configuration file /etc/pagent_TTLS.conf3 has all the AT-TLS configuration statements for that stack:

#  Path: /etc/pagent_TTLS.conf3 
#  This is a sample AT-TLS configuration file  for 
#  stack TCPIPT, server CICSDEV1.
#  Server port #3042 is defined as SSL and port #3042 - as non-SSL 
# Client is to connect to a remote SSL port #6005.
####  Inbound definitions   ####                                      # 
TTLSRule                  DEV1SY02    # Listener on port #3042
LocalPortRange           3042
Userid                   DFHCICS
Direction                Inbound
TTLSGroupActionRef       TTLSGRP1
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef TTLSENV1

TLSEnabled On
Trace 1            	 # Log Errors to TCP/IP job log
TTLSEnvironmentAction TTLSENV1
 HandshakeRole       Server 
 EnvironmentUserInstance 1
 Keyring           CICSDEV1    # Refers to RACF database

# Port #3043 is not AT-TLS configured
TTLSRule                  DEV1SY03 # Listener on port #3043
LocalPortRange           3043
Userid                   DFHCICS
Direction                Inbound
TTLSGroupActionRef       TTLSGRP2

TTLSEnabled Off
Trace 1             # Log Errors to TCP/IP job log

TTLSEnvironmentAction TTLSENV2
 HandshakeRole       Server
 EnvironmentUserInstance 3
 Keyring           CICSDEV1    # Refers to RACF database
#### Outbound definitions   ####
TTLSRule                  DEV1Client     # Client
RemotePortRange          6005          # Remote port to connect to
Userid                   DFHCICS
Direction                Outbound
TTLSGroupActionRef       TTLSGRP3
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef TTLSENV3
TTLSEnabled On
Trace 1             # Log Errors to TCP/IP job log

TTLSEnvironmentAction TTLSENV3
 HandshakeRole       Client
 EnvironmentUserInstance 1
 Keyring           CICSDEV1    # Refers to RACF database