Be sure you completed the tasks in Chapter 2, “Planning Your Installation.”
The Server Option for CICS requires a permanent authorization key. However, Sybase includes a temporary key, which is valid for 30 days, within the order at installation time. To avoid interrupting your operations, call Customer Service at 1-800-8Sybase (1-800-879-2273), select Option 3, then select Option 3 again, and request a permanent key.
When speaking with Customer Service, be sure to have this information ready:
Product name
Order number
For the machine you are using:
Serial number
Machine type
Model number
A valid e-mail address
Please allow seven business days for the key to be generated
and sent to you.
The two procedures in this subsection describe the installation steps necessary to install all Mainframe Connect options from the installation program and to complete the installation for the Server Option for CICS. You should skip those installation steps that do not pertain to the option or options you have chosen to install.
The installation program runs only on Windows.
To install from the installer wizard
Start the installation program from CD by executing setupwin.exe, which is in the root directory.
The initial dialog box displays the options available for installation. Click Next and Back to navigate through the wizard. To cancel the installation, click Cancel. Click Next to proceed.
Accept the terms of the user-license agreement by selecting your country in the drop-down list and selecting the option to indicate that you agree with the terms. Click Next.
Select the components you want to install and click Next.
If you are installing the Server Option for CICS or
the DB2 UDB Option for CICS, those runtime components will be automatically
selected as you proceed to the next window.
Provide the following JCL and system information:
JCL Line 1-3 – a valid jobcard, used to run the final installation jobs in TSO.
High Level Qualifier – the high-level qualifier, used as a prefix for all data sets generated during installation.
Volume – the volume serial number that indicates where generated data sets are cataloged.
Unit – the unit parameter value that indicates the device requirements for cataloging generated data sets.
Work Unit – for the use of temporary work data sets.
Customer CICS, IMS, and MVS Loadlibs – pre-cataloged partitioned data sets (PDSs) or partitioned data sets extended (PDSE) into which configuration modules and sample programs are to be linked. For CICS, this data set should be in the DFHRPL configuration ahead of other Sybase libraries.
Click Next.
If you are installing an option that uses CICS, DB2, or IMS, provide this information where it applies. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
CICS system datasets hlq – the high-level qualifier for CICS system data sets used to locate SDFHLOAD and other CICS libraries.
RDO Dataset– the name of the CICS RDO (DFHCSD) containing the application resource definitions used by your CICS region.
RDO Group List – the RDO group list used by your CICS region when executing an initial start.
CICS Region Applid – the VTAM APPLID for your CICS region.
DB2 system datasets hlq – the DB2 system data sets high-level qualifier used for DB2 system data sets.
DB2 Exit Dataset – the name of the DB2 exit data set used by your DB2 region.
DB2 DSN Name – the data set name (DSN) of your DB2 region.
IMS datasets hlq – the high-level qualifier for IMS system data sets used to locate IMS libraries.
Click Next.
If you are installing an API component, provide this compiler information, which is used to configure JCL for compiling sample programs. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
LE/370 datasets hlq – the LE370 high-level qualifier used for the Language Environment 370, used here to locate data sets like CEELKED.
COBOL Compiler Name– the module used to execute COBOL in your environment.
COBOL Compiler Loadlib – the system loadlib in which your COBOL compiler module resides.
PLI Compiler Name – the module used to execute PLI in your environment.
PLI Compiler Loadlib – the system loadlib in which your PLI compiler module resides.
C compiler datasets hlq – the high-level qualifier used for C, used to locate data sets like SBCCMP.
TCP/IP datasets hlq – the TCP/IP data sets high-level qualifier used to locate data sets like SEZATCP.
Click Next.
If you are installing the Client Option for CICS, provide this information for configuring a host connection definition for the Client Option. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
TCP Address Space Name – the name of your TCP/IP region.
Server Name – the name by which your Client Option applications refers to the remote server.
Server TCP Host Name – the DNS name for the remote server.
Server TCP Host Port – the TCP/IP port used by the remote server.
Click Next.
If you are installing the Server Option for CICS or the DB2 UDB Option for CICS, provide this information for configuring a TCP/IP listener for these options. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
TCP Address Space Name – the name of your TCP/IP region.
Listener Port – the port on which the option listens.
Click Next.
Click Next until the installer displays the information you entered in steps 5 through 8. Review this information and, if necessary, click Back to return to previous windows and make corrections.
Click Next until the wizard displays a dialog box for FTP information. Provide the following data for establishing an FTP session to your mainframe:
Userid – the mainframe user ID for the FTP session.
Password – the password for the FTP session.
Mainframe Host Name– the mainframe DNS name.
FTP Port – the control port used by your mainframe FTP server, usually 21.
VOL/UNIT Assignment – either a volume serial number and unit assignment for FTP, or allow FTP to use default values.
If you specify a volume serial number that does not
exist, FTP suspends operation until the mainframe
responds to a message requesting that the volume be mounted.
Log FTP Commands – indicates where FTP log information is to be written. This log information may be useful in troubleshooting FTP problems.
The installation program will create JCL and upload the selected components to your mainframe when you click Next.
Close the installation program.
To complete the installation of your Mainframe Connect components, review and submit JCL from TSO. If you are installing multiple components, Sybase strongly suggests you install in this sequence:
Client Option for CICS
Server Option for CICS
DB2 UDB Option for CICS
Any other options
Locate the installation JCL for the Server Option for CICS in hlq.OSC150.CICS.JCL, where hlq is the high-level qualifier you specified in step 5.
Run the following jobs in the order they are described here, where x is an integer that denotes the order in which the job is to be run in the overall sequence of jobs. Ignore jobs that are not present or relevant to the option you are installing.
IxRECV – runs IKJEFT01 to use the TSO RECEIVE command to build and populate the product libraries.
IxRDO – runs the CICS Resource Definition Utility, DFHCSDUP, to define the transaction, program, and file entries for the Server Option for CICS. If your CICS region has had a previous version of the Server Option, you may need to uncomment or change the DELETE and REMOVE entries at the top of the RDO input.
IxVSAM – allocates the VSAM data sets used for error and trace logging.
IxTPSEC – for listener security options. For information about setting up the CICS sockets interface, see Appendix C, “Setting Up the CICS Sockets Interface.”
IxHOST– assembles and links the Server Option for CICS customization module, character sets, and remote host definitions. You may rerun this job at any time to change configuration and character sets or to add, remove, or modify remote host definitions and license keys.
The Client Option for CICS installation has its own IxHOST job.
If you are installing both the Client and Server Options for CICS, you
should run the IxHOST job
contained in hlq.OSC150.CICS.JCL.
IxRPC– adds definitions to the SYRPCFIL dataset, which is created during the installation of the Server Option and required for the DB2 UDB Option.
IxDELETE– deletes the data sets in the TSO XMIT format used for the installation.
Run these jobs if you want to compile and link-edit the sample applications provided with the Server Option for CICS:
SAPASMD – assembles and links sample assembler language applications that use the Server Option API and access DB2 UDB.
SAPASMV – assembles and links sample assembler language applications that use the Server Option API and access VSAM.
SAPCOBD – compiles and links sample COBOL language applications that use the Server Option API and access DB2.
SAPCOBV – compiles and links sample COBOL language applications that use the Server Option API and access VSAM.
SAPPLID – compiles and links sample PL/1 language applications that use the Server Option API and access DB2.
SAPPLIV – compiles and links sample PL/1 language applications that use the Server Option API and access VSAM.
SRSPASM1– compiles and links sample assembler language applications that use the RSP API.
SRSPASM2 – compiles and links sample assembler language applications that use the RSP API and access DB2.
SRSPCOB1 – compiles and links sample COBOL language applications that use the RSP API.
SRSPCOB2 – compiles and links sample COBOL language applications that use the RSP API and access DB2.