Recomputes configuration information for the target database and compares it to the current configuration information.
sp_dbcc_evaluatedb [dbname]
1> sp_dbcc_evaluatedb 2> go
Recommended values for workspace size, cache size and process count are: Database name : one_G current suggested scan workspace size : 750M 16M text workspace size : 2K 48K cache size : 10240K 1280K process count : 3 2 compression mem size: 2048K 12M Each of the reported quantities is reported in a scaled unit according to G if size > 10G M if 10M < size <=10 G K otherwise
When there is an archive database with a compressed data or log device, the output includes a line with the recomendation of the compression memory size.
sp_dbcc_evaluatedb recomputes configuration information for the target database and compares the data to the current configuration information. It uses counter values recorded for the target database in the dbcc_counters table.
The cache size is the size of the 16K buffer pool in the cache. For a 2K buffer pool, the minimum size of this cache must be the recommended value, plus 512.
When the size and data distribution pattern of the target database changes, run sp_dbcc_evaluatedb to optimize the configuration information.
To gather configuration information for the target database the first time, use sp_plan_dbccdb.
To make sure you are evaluating the most current configuration parameters, run sp_dbcc_updateconfig before running sp_dbcc_evaluatedb.
See also dbcc in Reference Manual: Commands.
The permission checks for sp_dbcc_evaluatedb differ based on your granular permissions settings.
Setting | Description |
Enabled | With granular permissions enabled, you must be the database owner of dbccdb (or dbccalt), or have the manage checkstorage privilege on the specified database. |
Disabled | With granular permissions disabled, you must be the database owner of the specified database, a user with sa_role. Only a system administrator can run sp_dbcc_evaluatedb without specifying a database name. |