Creates and manages the proxy tables used in the SAP ASE Web Services Engine.
sp_webservices 'add', 'wsdl_uri' [, sds_name] [, 'method_name=proxy_table [,method_name=proxy_table ]* ' ]
sp_webservices help [, ’option’]
sp_webservices 'list' [, 'wsdl_uri'] [, sds_name]
sp_webservices 'modify', 'wsdl_uri', 'timeout=time'
sp_webservices 'remove', 'wsdl_uri' [, sds_name]
sp_webservices 'addalias' alias_name , database_name
sp_webservices 'deploy', ['all' | 'service_name']
sp_webservices 'dropalias' alias_name
sp_webservices 'listudws' [, 'service_name']
sp_webservices 'listalias'
sp_webservices 'undeploy', ['all' | 'service_name']
wsdl_uri – is the location for the WSDL file to be mapped to the new proxy table. If this parameter is specified, Web Services ensures that the URI exists in the syswsdl table.
sds_name – is the name specified for the ASE Web Services Engine in the interfaces or sql.ini file. The default value is ws. If no entry exists in the sysattributes table, an error results.
method_name – is the name of the Web method to be mapped to a proxy table. The method_name specified must be the name of a Web method specified in the associated WSDL file.
proxy_table – is the name of proxy table to which the Web method specified in method_name is mapped.
alias_name – (required) is the alias for the specified database.
database_name – (required) is the name of the database for which the alias is specified.
An alias provides greater control in specifying the portion of the URL representing the database name. Used with the userpath option of the create service command, an alias provides complete control over the URL used to access a user-defined Web service.
all – specifies that all user-defined Web services are to be deployed for the current database.
service_name – is the name of the user-defined Web service to be deployed.
The deploy and undeploy options are used to control when user-defined Web services are available. The system role webservices_role privilege is required for this option.
If the all parameter is specified, the ASE Web Services Engine deletes its internal cache of user-defined Web services and rereads all metadata about user-defined Web services from SAP ASE.
You cannot drop or rename a user-defined Web service that is currently deployed.
You cannot drop an alias if it is being referenced by a deployed user-defined Web service. To drop the alias, undeploy the user-defined Web service that references the alias first.
If you do not specify a value for option, the help option prints a brief syntax description for the add, addalias, deploy, dropalias, list, listalias, listudws, modify, remove, and undeploy options.
wsdl_uri – is the URI for the mapped WSDL file. If you do not specify a value for wsdl_uri, the list option displays information about all Web methods that have been mapped to proxy tables.
sds_name – is the name of the SDS server specified for the ASE Web Services Engine in the interfaces or sql.ini file. The default value is ws. If no entry exists in the sysattributes table, an error results.
If you specify neither the wsdl_uri nor the sds_name parameter, all entries in the sysattributes table are listed, ordered by wsdlid.
Have already been mapped to proxy tables – the list option prints information about each proxy table.
Have not already been mapped to proxy tables – the list option prints SQL that can be used to create proxy tables.
If you do not specify the service_name parameter, all user-defined Web services are listed.
wsdl_uri – is the URI of the WSDL file for which attribute information is to be changed.
time – is the interval in seconds during which a Web method must respond before the operation is aborted.
wsdl_uri – is the URI of the WSDL file for which the proxy table is to be removed.
sds_name – is the name of the SDS server specified for the ASE Web Services Engine in the interfaces or sql.ini file. The default value is ws.
all – specifies that all user-defined Web services are to be undeployed for the current database.
service_name – is the name of the user-defined Web service to be undeployed.
Use the deploy and undeploy options to control when user-defined Web services are available. The system role webservices_role privilege is required for this option.
1> sp_webservices 'add', '' 2> go
The getRate Web method is mapped to a proxy table of the same name.
1> select * from getRate where _country1 ='usa' and _country2 = 'india' 2> go
Result _country1 _country2 43.000000 usa india (1 row affected)
1> sp_webservices "add" , "" 2> go
The GetQuote Web method is mapped to a proxy table of the same name.
1> select outxml from GetQuote where _inxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2> <GetQuote xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/"> 3> <symbol>SY</symbol> 4> </GetQuote>' 5> go
outxml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><GetQuoteResponse xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/"><GetQuoteResult><StockQuotes><Stock> <Symbol>SY</Symbol><Last>21.48</Last><Date>7/21/2005</Date><Time>4:01pm </Time><Change>+1.72</Change><Open>20.00</Open><High>21.60</High> <Low>19.91</Low><Volume>2420100</Volume><MktCap>1.927B</MktCap> <PreviousClose>19.76</PreviousClose><PercentageChange>+8.70% </PercentageChange><AnnRange>12.75 - 20.44</AnnRange><Earns>0.706</Earns> <P-E>27.99</P-E><Name>SYBASE INC</Name></Stock></StockQuotes> </GetQuoteResult></GetQuoteResponse> (1 row affected)
1> create table stocksymbol(symbol varchar(100)) 2> go
1> insert stocksymbol values("SY") 2> insert stocksymbol values("ORCL") 3> go
1> CREATE VIEW getstockvw as 2> select Symbol = xmlextract('//Stock/Symbol/text()',outxml returns varchar(5)), 3> Name = xmlextract('//Stock/Name/text()',outxml returns varchar(20)), 4> Time = xmlextract('//Stock/Time/text()',outxml returns varchar(10)), 5> Date = xmlextract('//Stock/Date/text()',outxml returns date), 6> High = xmlextract('//Stock/High/text()',outxml returns decimal(15,2)), 7> Low = xmlextract('//Stock/Low/text()',outxml returns decimal(15,2)) 8> FROM GetQuote ,stocksymbol 9> WHERE _inxml = '<GetQuote xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/"><symbol>'+symbol+'</symbol></GetQuote>' 10> go
1> select * from getstockvw 2> go
Symbol Name Time Date High Low ------- ------------- ------- ------------ ------ ------ SY SYBASE INC 4:01pm Jul 21 2005 21.60 19.91 ORCL ORACLE CORP 4:00pm Jul 21 2005 14.05 13.54 MSFT MICROSOFT CP 4:00pm Jul 21 2005 26.48 26.19 (3 rows affected)
sp_webservices 'deploy', 'all'
webservices_role; deploy_all; ; ; ; ; bob/ase;
sp_webservices 'deploy', 'rawservice'
webservices_role; deploy; ; ; ; ; bob/ase;
sp_webservices 'undeploy', 'all'
webservices_role; undeploy_all; ; ; ; ; bob/ase;
sp_webservices 'undeploy', 'rawservice'
webservices_role; deploy; ; ; ; ; bob/ase;
For a full description of sysaudits table columns, see the System Administration Guide.
If you not specify method_name and proxy_table values for a Web method, the proxy table generated for the Web method is, by default, the name of the Web method specified in the WSDL file. If there is already a proxy table with the name of this Web method, a new proxy table is generated with a name like:
method_name – is the default proxy table name
N – is a digit from 1 to 9 denoting each successive mapping of the Web method. There can be as many as 99 duplicate proxy tables.
If you do specify method_name and proxy_table values for a Web method, the name of the proxy table must be new. If there is already a proxy table with the name specified in proxy_table, an error results, and none of the Web methods specified in the add option are mapped to proxy tables.
The output from the add option lists the methods that have been successfully mapped to proxy tables as well as those that have not been mapped. The name of a proxy table for an unmapped Web method is indicated as NULL in the output from the add option.
create service in Reference Manual: Commands
Web Services User’s Guide
You must be a user with webservices_role (for deploy and undeploy) to execute sp_webservices. Permission checks do not differ based on the granular permissions settings.
The system role webservices_role is required to use the deploy and undeploy options for sp_webservices. To execute a user-defined Web service, a valid login and permissions to execute the corresponding stored procedure are required.
To create, drop, and execute user-defined Web services, you need the same privileges as are necessary to create, drop, and execute stored procedures in SAP ASE. See the System Administration Guide for details on how to set the proper privileges using the grant and revoke commands.
Audit event number 110 corresponds to the deploy option of sp_webservices.
Audit event number 111 corresponds to the undeploy option of sp_webservices.
User-defined Web services are modeled as stored procedures within SAP ASE. In manipulating user-defined Web services, SAP ASE generates the following events using the existing auditing coverage for stored procedures:
The creation of a user-defined Web service – Event 11 named "Create Procedure" is generated
The dropping of a user-defined Web service – Event 28 named "Drop Procedure" is generated
The execution of a user-defined Web service – Event 38 named "Execution of Stored Procedure" is generated
For detailed information on existing auditing functionality, see the System Administration Guide.
In addition to existing auditing functionality, SAP ASE provides two audit events for the deploy and undeploy options of sp_webservices.
sp_audit "security", "all", "all", "on"