
Reports the space usage for a table, index, or transaction log and estimates the amount of fragmentation for tables and indexes in a database. The estimates are computed using an average row-length for data and index rows, and the number of rows in a table. You can archive the space usage and fragmentation data for future reporting and trends analysis. sp_spaceusage supports a number of actions, including help, display, archive and report, to indicate the current SAP ASE space usage.


The “help” action syntax:
sp_spaceusage   'help'[, 'all']
sp_spaceusage 'help' [, {'display' |  'display summary'
		| 'report' | 'report summary' | 'archive'} 
		[, {'table' | 'index' | 'tranlog'}]]
The “display” action syntax:
sp_spaceusage 'display summary [using unit= {KB | MB | GB | PAGES} ]', 
	{'table' | 'index'}, name
	[,where_clause [,order_by[,command ] ] ]
sp_spaceusage 'display [using unit= {KB | MB | GB | PAGES} ]',
	{'table' | 'index'}, name 
	[,where_clause [,order_by[,command] ] ] ]
sp_spaceusage 'display [using unit={KB | MB | GB | PAGES} ]', 
	'tranlog' [, name[,select_list[,where_clause [,order_by]]]]
The “archive” action syntax:
sp_spaceusage 'archive [ using_clause ]', 
	{'table' | 'index'}, name[,where_clause[,command] ]
sp_spaceusage 'archive [ using_clause ]',
	'tranlog' [,name[,where_clause] ]
The “report” action syntax:
sp_spaceusage 'report summary [ using_clause ]', 
	{'table' | 'index'}, name 
	[,where_clause [,order_by[,from_date [,to_date]]]]
sp_spaceusage 'report [ using_clause ]', 
	{'table' | 'index'}, name 
	[,select_list[,where_clause [,order_by[,from_date [,to_date]]]]]
sp_spaceusage 'report [ using_clause ]', 
	'tranlog' [, name 
	[,select_list[,where_clause [,order_by 
	[,from_date [,to_date]]]]]]
using_clause = USING using_item [, using_item ...]
using_item = { unit={ KB | MB | GB | PAGES } 
	| dbname=database_name | prefix=string }





Any user can execute sp_spaceusage to view space usage. However, you may not be able to view certain information about tables that you do not have persmissions to view.