Sets or changes the lock promotion thresholds for a database, for a table, or for the SAP ASE server.
sp_setpglockpromote {"database" | "table"}, objname, new_lwm, new_hwm, new_pct
sp_setpglockpromote server, NULL, new_lwm, new_hwm, new_pct
sp_setpglockpromote "server", NULL, 200, 300, 50
sp_setpglockpromote "database", master, 1000, 1100, 45
sp_setpglockpromote "table", "pubs2..titles", 500, 700, 10
sp_setpglockpromote "database", master, @new_hwm=1600
You can display database-level lock promotions using sp_helpdb dbname and table-level locks using sp_helpdb tablename.
sp_setpglockpromote configures the lock promotion values for a table, for a database, or for the SAP ASE server.
The SAP ASE server acquires page locks on a table until the number of locks exceeds the lock promotion threshold. sp_setpglockpromote changes the lock promotion thresholds for an object, a database, or the server. If the SAP ASE server is successful in acquiring a table lock, the page locks are released.
When the number of locks on a table exceeds the HWM threshold, the SAP ASE server attempts to escalate to a table lock. When the number of locks on a table is below the LWM, the SAP ASE server does not attempt to escalate to a table lock. When the number of locks on a table is between the HWM and LWM and the number of locks exceeds the PCT threshold, the SAP ASE server attempts to escalate to a table lock.
Lock promotion thresholds for a table override the database or server-wide settings. Lock promotion thresholds for a database override the server-wide settings.
Lock promotion thresholds for the SAP ASE server do not need initialization, but you must initialize database and table lock promotion thresholds by specifying LWM, HWM, and PCT with sp_setpglockpromote, which creates a row for the object in sysattributes when it is first run for a database or table. Once the thresholds have been initialized, then they can be modified individually, as in Example 4.
For a table or a database, sp_setpglockpromote sets LWM, HWM, and PCT in a single transaction. If sp_setpglockpromote encounters an error while updating any of the values, then all changes are aborted and the transaction is rolled back. For server-wide changes, one or more thresholds may fail to be updated while others are successfully updated. The SAP ASE server returns an error message if any values fail to be updated.
To view the server-wide settings for the lock promotion thresholds, use sp_configure "lock promotion" to see all three threshold values. To view lock promotion settings for a database, use sp_helpdb. To view lock promotion settings for a table, use sp_help.
The permission checks for sp_setpglockpromote differ based on your granular permissions settings.
Setting | Description |
Enabled | With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage lock premotion threshold privilege. |
Disabled | With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role. |
Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:
Information | Values |
Event | 38 |
Audit option | exec_procedure |
Command or access audited | Execution of a procedure |
Information in extrainfo |