Manages the Java PCA/JVM. Enables or disables arguments and directives, changes configuration values, and reports configuration values.
sp_jreconfig { add array_arg, new_string | array_clear array_arg | array_enable array_arg | array_disable array_arg | delete array_arg, string_value | disable { directive | argument | array_arg, string_value } | enable { directive | argument | array_arg, string_value } | list { list_type [, formatted ] | units | units, units_type[, formatted ] } | reload_config | report { directive[, formatted ] | directive, args[, formatted ] |argument[, formatted ] } | update { argument, old_value, new_value } }
directives – list of directives
enabled – list of enabled arguments
disabled – list of disabled arguments
argnames – list of argument names, each argument’s units_type, and the directive to which each belongs
sp_jreconfig report, "PCA_JVM", "args"
sp_jreconfig "report", "PCA_JVM_OPT", "formatted"
sp_jreconfig "report", "PCA_JVM_OPT", "args"
sp_jreconfig "report", "pca_jvm_netio"
sp_jreconfig "report", "pca_jvm_"
sp_jreconfig "list", "directives"
sp_jreconfig "list", "argnames", "formatted"
sp_jreconfig "list", "enabled"
sp_jreconfig "list", "units", "array", "formatted"
sp_jreconfig "list", "units"
sp_jreconfig "enable", "PCA_JVM_WORK_DIR" sp_jreconfig "enable", "WORK_DIR"
sp_jreconfig "enable", "pca_jvm_netio"
sp_jreconfig "disable", "WORK_DIR"
sp_jreconfig "disable", "pca_jvm_netio"
sp_jreconfig "disable", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/some/path"
sp_jreconfig "update", "pca_jvm_log_filename", "/old/path/filename.log", "/new/path/filename.log"
sp_jreconfig "update", "pca_jvm_min_port", "1026", "2056"
[a] sp_jreconfig "update", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/old/path","/new/working/directory" [b] sp_jreconfig "update", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/old/path", "/new/working/directory(u=rw,go=r)" [c] sp_jreconfig "update", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/old/path", "/new/working/directory(u+w,ugo+r)"
[a] sp_jreconfig "add", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/new/working/directory"
[b] sp_jreconfig "add", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/new/working/directory(u=rw,go=r)"
[c] sp_jreconfig "add", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/new/working/directory(u+w,ugo+r)"
sp_jreconfig "delete", "pca_jvm_work_dir", "/new/working/directory"
sp_jreconfig "array_enable", "pca_jvm_work_dir"
sp_jreconfig "array_disable", "pca_jvm_work_dir"
sp_jreconfig "array_clear", "pca_jvm_work_dir"
sp_jreconfig "reload_config"
Enabled – the SAP ASE server uses the configured value (enabled or disabled) of each argument. This is the value stored in sybpcidb.
Disabled – the SAP ASE server disregards the configured value (enabled or disabled) of each argument and treats all arguments of the directive as disabled, although the base value of each argument is retained in sybpcidb.
Switch – these arguments turn a feature on or off. For example, if the argument for logging is enabled, a log file is generated; if the argument for logging is disabled, no log file is generated.
String – these arguments are for string and number values. Enabling a string or number argument ensures that the SAP ASE server uses the configured value. Disabling a string or number argument means that the SAP ASE server ignores the configured value and uses the default value. The configured and default values may or may not be the same.
Array – an array argument is a collection of related string arguments, each of which can be individually enabled or disabled. When an individual string argument (or element) is disabled, its value is ignored and the behavior is the same as if the element had been deleted. When enabled, the argument value is included in the collection and is active.
Array arguments can be enabled or disabled at will; you do not have to delete a value and then re-enter it later on.
pca_jvm_module_path configures the path to the JVM shared-object library. If you use a JRE other than that supplied by SAP, you must configure this argument to point to a location accessible to the PCA/JVM. This can be an absolute path or a relative path that extends $SYBASE. If an absolute path, start the path with “/” on UNIX or “\” on Windows. Otherwise, the SAP ASE server assumes a relative path and looks under $SYBASE.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_module_path |
string |
Platform specific |
Enabled |
The location of the JVM shared library using a relative path located under $SYBASE, or a fully qualified filename. |
This table describes pva_jvm_opt.
Do not change default values unless instructed to do so by SAP Technical Support.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_abort |
switch |
On |
Enabled |
Abort abort(2) all on any failure (dangerous). |
pca_jvm_allow_unchecked_sockops |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Allow unchecked socket operations. |
pca_jvm_debug |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Report PCA_DEBUG requests. |
pca_jvm_except |
switch |
N/A |
Enabled |
Report excepting PCA/VM JNI/JVM invocations. |
pca_jvm_heap_ratio |
string |
0.3 |
Enabled |
VM Heap / PCI memory ratio. |
pca_jvm_jvmti |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Java VM Tools Interface. |
pca_jvm_min_port |
number |
1026 |
Enabled |
Allow VM network support. |
pca_jvm_netio |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Allow VM network support. |
pca_jvm_report |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Report PCA/VM JNI/JVM invocations. |
pca_jvm_security_manager_enabled |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Enable the SecurityManager in the PCA/JVM. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_density |
number |
100 |
Enabled |
PCA/VM signature cache target density. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_enabled |
switch |
N/A |
Enabled |
Enable PCA/VM signature cache. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_fixed_ratio |
number |
50 |
Enabled |
PCA/VM signature cache size percentage fixed. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_freeboard |
number |
30 |
Enabled |
PCA/VM signature cache space recovery percentaga on cache sweeps. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_size |
number |
512 |
Enabled |
PCA/VM signature cache size in KBytes. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_size_type |
number |
1 |
Enabled |
PCA/VM signature cache size_type 0:AS_PCT 1:Kbyte 2:Mbyte. |
pca_jvm_sigcache_washcycle |
number |
1000 |
Enabled |
PCA/VM signature cache wash daemon cycle time (ms). |
pca_jvm_sigcache_washdaemon |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Enable PCA/VM signature cache wash daemon. |
pca_jvm_strace |
switch |
N/A |
Enabled |
Produce stack traces on none emulated VM handles. |
pca_jvm_dir_options configures the directory definitions used by the JVM for the ROOT and TEMP directories. Do not change these values unless you are a knowledgeable user or you have been directed to do so by SAP Technical Support.
Argument |
Units type |
Default value |
Default state |
Description |
pca_jvm_root_dir |
string |
Platform-specific |
Enabled |
Absolute path to the system root directory. Required for file I/O. |
pca_jvm_tmp_dir |
string |
Platform-specific |
Enabled |
Absolute path to the system temporary directory. Required for file I/O. |
pca_jvm_work_dir configures the JVM trusted directories. This argument consists of a collection of specific locations in your file system where your Java program classes can perform certain file I/O operations. Each directory can have an optional permission mask that defines which file I/O operations are allowed in each directory.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_work_dir |
array |
Platform-specific |
Disabled |
The absolute path (and optional permission mask) where the JVM is allowed to do file I/O. See File and Network Access Using Java in Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise. |
pca_jvm_min_jni_version configures minimum backward compatible JNI version.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_min_jni_version |
string |
Enabled |
Minimum backward compatible JNI version. |
pva_jvm_logging configures JRE/VM logging options.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_ase_logging |
switch |
N/A |
Enabled |
Configure SAP ASE logging. |
pca_jvm_log_filename |
string |
‘/tmp/Java_vm.log1’ |
Disabled |
A fully qualified filen ame that the VM uses for logging. |
pca_jvm_ext_class_loader configures global and database extension class loaders.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_ext_class_loader_global |
array |
none |
Disabled |
Global Extension Class Loader. |
pca_jvm_ext_class_loader_dbase |
array |
none |
Disabled |
Database Extension Class Loader. |
pva_jvm_java_options configures Java start-up options, both normal and extended.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Djava.awt.headless=true” |
Enabled |
Run Java in headless mode. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Djava.compiler=JIT” |
Enabled |
Force JIT compilation and optimization. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-XX:+CITune:” |
Disabled |
Time spent in JIT Compiler (1.4 only). |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-XX:+Use AltSigs” |
Disabled |
This option seems to crash the J2SE. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-XX:CodeCacheExpansionSize=512000” |
Enabled |
Code Cache extension size. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xbatch” |
Disabled |
Disabled background compilation. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xcheck:jni” |
Enabled |
Perform additional checks for JNI functions. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xfuture” |
Disabled |
Perform strict checks, anticipating future default. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xincgc” |
Disabled |
Enable incremental garbage collection. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xint” |
Disabled |
Interpreted mode execution only. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xloggc:./myGClog” |
Disabled |
Log GC status to a file with time stamps. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xmixed” |
Disabled |
Mixed mode execution (default). |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xms64m” |
Disabled |
Set initial Java heap size. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xmx64m” |
Disabled |
Set maximum Java heap size. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-XnoClassgc” |
Disabled |
Disable class garbage collection. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xprof” |
Disabled |
Output cpu profiling data. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xrs” |
Disabled |
Reduce use of OS signals by Java/VM. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xshare:auto” |
Disabled |
Configure shared class data (set to auto, off or on). |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-Xss64m” |
Disabled |
Set Java thread stack size. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
-XX:MaxPermSize |
Disabled |
Sets the maximum size of the permanent heap |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-enablesystemassertions” |
Enabled |
Enable Java/VM System Assertions - applies only to platforms using the Sun HotSpot (TM) JavaVM. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-esa” |
Enabled |
Enable All System Assertions - only applies to platforms using the Sun HotSpot (TM) JavaVM. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-verbose:class” |
Disabled |
Class loading within the JRE/VM. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-verbose:gc” |
Disabled |
Garbage Collection statistics. |
pca_jvm_java_options |
array |
“-verbose:jni” |
Disabled |
Java Native Interface (JNI) invokations. |
pva_jvm_java_dbg_agent_port configures the Java VM debug agent port number (used for debugging Java applications with a Java debugger). See Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise for more information.
Argument |
Units Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_java_dbg_agent_port |
number |
8000 |
Disabled |
Configure the port number and the Java VM Debug Agent. |
pca_jvm_java_dbg_agent_suspend |
switch |
N/A |
Disabled |
Java VM Debug Agent starts suspended when enabled. |
pca_jvm_sys_device_path configures platform-specific system device directories (required for Solaris).
Argument |
Unit Type |
Default Value |
Default State |
Description |
pca_jvm_sys_device_path |
array |
Platformspecific |
Platform specific |
Internal system option for Sun OS. DO NOT CHANGE. |
The permission checks for sp_jreconfig differ based on your granular permissions settings.
Setting | Description |
Enabled | With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with manage server configuration privilege. |
Disabled | With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with sa_role. |
Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:
Information | Values |
Event | 38 |
Audit option | exec_procedure |
Command or access audited | Execution of a procedure |
Information in extrainfo |