Reports the segment, free-space value, status, and stored procedure associated with all thresholds in the current database or all thresholds for a particular segment.
sp_helpthreshold [segname]
sp_helpthreshold logsegment
sp_helpthreshold "default"
sp_helpthreshold displays threshold information for all segments in the current database. If you provide the name of a segment, sp_helpthreshold lists all thresholds in that segment.
The status column is 1 for the last-chance threshold and 0 for all other thresholds. Databases that do not store their transaction logs on a separate segment have no last-chance threshold.
Any user can execute sp_helpthreshold. Permission checks do not differ based on the granular permissions settings.
Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:
Information | Values |
Event | 38 |
Audit option | exec_procedure |
Command or access audited | Execution of a procedure |
Information in extrainfo |