Allows you to:
Install automatic database expansion procedures on database/segment pairs and devices.
Define site-specific policies for individual segments and devices.
Simulate execution of the database expansion machinery, to study the operation before engaging large volume loads.
These policies are stored in the sysattributes table in master database.
All arguments are string arguments:
sp_dbextend ’help’[, command]
sp_dbextend [ ['set', ['threshold', dbname, segmentname, freespace | 'database', dbname, segmentname {[ [, growby ] [, maxsize ] ]} | 'device', devicename { [ [, growby ] [, maxsize ] ] }] | 'clear', 'threshold', dbname, segmentname
sp_dbextend 'clear', 'database' [, dbname [, segmentname ] ]
sp_dbextend 'clear', 'device' [, devicename ]
sp_dbextend 'modify', 'database', dbname, segmentname, { 'growby' | 'maxsize' }, newvalue
sp_dbextend 'modify', 'device', devicename, { ’growby’ | ' maxsize ' }, newvalue
sp_dbextend { 'list' | 'listfull' } [, 'database' [, dbname [, segmentname [, order_by_clause ] ] ] ]
sp_dbextend { 'list' | 'listfull' } [, 'device' [, devicename [, order_by_clause ] ] ]
sp_dbextend { 'list' | 'listfull' }, [ 'threshold' [ , @dbname [ , @segmentname ] ] ]
sp_dbextend 'check', 'database' [, dbname [, segmentname ] ]
sp_dbextend { 'simulate' | 'execute' }, dbname, segmentname [, iterations ]
sp_dbextend 'trace', {'on' | 'off' }
sp_dbextend 'reload [defaults]'
sp_dbextend { 'enable' | 'disable' }, 'database' [, dbname [, segmentname ] ]
sp_dbextend 'who' [, 'spid' | 'block' | 'all' ]
'threshold', dbname, segmentname, freespace – specifies the free space level at which to install the threshold on a specified database and segment.
You should always specify freespace in size unit specifiers, such as megabytes. If you specify no size units, the value of freespace is treated as the number of kilobytes in the segment.
growby – is the rate, in unit specifiers or percentage values, at which the database grows at each expansion attempt.
maxsize is the maximum size of the segment, after which no further expansion occurs. Both are optional parameters.
'device', devicename { [ [, growby ] [, maxsize ] ] }] – defines the growth rate and maximum size of a device, in unit specifiers or percentage values, at which the device can grow. maxsize in devices is subject to OS disk limitations.
Use newvalue to specify the new value you set for automatic expansion.
Presents the current rules in effect.
Use order_by_clause to generate listings in a different order from the default ordering of name, type.
Use threshold to display all the thresholds that are currently installed on the specified database (using the @dbname) and segment (using @segment name).
iterations specifies the number of times you simulate the expansion.
reload does not delete user-specified policies.
block – shows tasks that currently cause blocking of the expansion process.
all – shows all currently active tasks.
maxsize is the maximum size of the segment at which the automatic expansion process stops, not the maximum size of the database.
You can set maxsize to a value larger than the total amount of disk space available on the device, but actual expansion is limited to the available disk space at the time expansion is attempted.
sp_dbextend 'set', 'thresh', pubs2, logsegment, '100m'
sp_dbextend 'set', 'database', pubs2, logsegment, '100m'
sp_dbextend 'set', 'device', pubs2-datadev1, '100m'
sp_dbextend 'clear', 'thresh', pubs2, logsegment
You can also the space-expansion threshold for segment dataseg1 in pubs2, installed at a free space of 200MB:
sp_dbextend 'clear', 'thresh', pubs2, dataseg1, '200m'
sp_dbextend 'modify', 'da', pubs2, logsegment, 'growby', '5%'
A command can fail when maxsize is not previously defined:
sp_dbextend 'modify', 'device', pubs2_log_dev, 'maxsize', '2.3g'
sp_dbextend 'list'
This lists rules for all databases with names similar to ‘pubs%’:
sp_dbextend 'list', 'database', 'pubs%'
sp_dbextend 'listfull'
sp_dbextend 'list', 'threshold'
To examine the thresholds on a particular segment, use as:
sp_dbextend 'list', 'threshold', pubs2, 'logsegment'
sp_dbextend 'simulate', pubs2, logsegment, '2'
sp_dbextend 'execute', pubs2, logsegment
sp_dbextend help, 'set'
You can only set one automatic expansion threshold on any given database/segment pair. If you try to install another instance of the threshold procedure, even at a different free space value, an error is raised.
You cannot set system-supplied defaults, only modify them. After you modify system defaults you can reset them by re-running the installdbextend script, or by using the reload defaults command.
To disallow any automatic growth in a particular segment, either specify 0 for growby or maxsize, or do not install the threshold procedure at all. If you specify NULL for this parameter, defaults to the system-specified default growby rate is used.
By default, if the size of the device is greater than 40MB, the size of the database is increased by 10 percent. If your datebase is smaller than 40MB, the size of the database is increased by 4MB. However, you can specify database resizing limits that match the needs of your site
There is no system-specified maximum size for the default database. If no maxsize value is specified, the size of the database is limited only by the physical limitations of the database device.
To turn off the automatic growth feature on a particular device, specify 0 for growby or maxsize. If you do not specify a value for growby, the default expansion rate is used.
When you use this stored procedure to clear a threshold, dbname and segmentname are required arguments.
When you use this stored procedure to clear a database, and provide no dbname and segmentname, all policy rules—that is, all the relevant rows in master.dbo.sysattributes—for the current database and all segments in it are deleted. This is a good way to reverse all settings to default and restart.
When you use this stored procedure to clear a device, if you do not provide a value for devicename, no policy rules are cleared. You can clear out the policy rules for a single device by providing devicename or using “%” to clear policies for all devices.
You can specify dbname, devicename, and segmentname using patterns, so that names with patterns that match the specified pattern are considered for the clear, enable, disable, and list operations.
You must have set a value or property before you can modify it. modify fails if no value was previously set. growby and maxsize are modified to the new value specified by newvalue
The new value specified in newvalue remains in effect throughout subsequent attempts to expand either the database or device. Even if newvalue is less than the current size of the database, segment, or device, the object does not shrink. newvalue specifies only future expansion, and does not affect current sizes.
Provide dbname and segmentname to obtain policy rules for individual databases and for the segments inside them.
When you use list for a database and provide no dbname or segmentname, all the policy rules (that is, rows in master.dbo.sysattributes) for all segments in the current database are listed.
When you use list for a device name and provide no devicename, default policy rules for all devices are listed. You can filter this to list the policy rules for a single device by providing devicename or use pattern specifiers for the devicename.
You can simulate the expansion of only one database/segment pair at a time. Both dbname and segmentname are required arguments. You cannot use wildcard patterns in dbname or segmentname for execute or simulate commands.
The maximum size of a device is 32Gb.
Use reload to re-initialize your databases and devices after using modify and simulate. reload deletes any existing rows in master.dbo.sysattributes that describe system default behavior, and loads new rows.
trace turns the trace facility on or off throughout the server. If trace is on, messages appear in the server error log when a threshold fires. Use trace only for troubleshooting.
See also alter database, create database, disk init, disk resize in Reference Manual: Commands.
If the automatic expansion procedures are installed on a segment by a database owner without sa_role privilege, the devices do not expand, because the user cannot run the disk resize command. A user with sa_role privilege should run the set threshold command when installing the threshold procedure.
The following permission checks for sp_dbextend differ based on your granular permissions settings
Setting | Description |
Enabled | With granular permissions enabled:
Disabled | With granular permissions disabled:
Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:
Information | Values |
Event | 38 |
Audit option | exec_procedure |
Command or access audited | Execution of a procedure |
Information in extrainfo |