Considerations for configuring clusters.
If you do not specify a configuration option or instance name, the information displayed depends on the system_view setting.
If you do not specify a configuration option but specify the instance name, the SAP ASE server displays all instance-specific configuration settings for the specified instance.
If you specify the configuration option, but not the configuration value and instance name, the SAP ASE server displays the current settings for the specified option for all instances under the “cluster” view. If you specify the instance name, the SAP ASE server displays configuration information for the specified instance.
sp_configure configuration_name, config_value, NULL, instance_name
You cannot set configuration options from inside a local temporary database.
If an instance already has instance-specific setting for a configuration parameter set, you can reconfigure this parameter for a cluster-wide setting.
A user can reconfigure only those instances to which they are connected.