
Performs cluster operations such as configuring SAP ASE as a secondary companion in a high availability system and moving a companion server from one failover mode to another. sp_companion is run from the secondary companion.


	{, configure
		[, {with_proxydb | NULL}] 
		[, srvlogin]
		[, server_password]
		[, cluster_login] 
		[, cluspassword]]
	| drop
	| suspend
	| resume
	| prepare_failback
	| do_advisory}
		{, all
		| help
		| group_attribute_name 
		| base_attribute_name}




sp_companion performs cluster operations such as configuring SAP ASE as a secondary companion in a high availability system. sp_companion also moves companion servers from one failover mode to another (for example, from failover mode back to normal companion mode). sp_companion is run from the secondary companion.

sp_companion is installed with the installhasvss (insthasv on Windows), not the installmaster script. installhasvss is located in the scripts subdirectory in $SYBASE_ASE.

sp_companion automatically disables SAP’s mirroring. You should use a third-party mirroring software to protect your data from disk failures.

For complete information, see Using Failover in A High Availability System. Before running the do_advisory command, make sure to read the configuration chapter of this book as well as the do_advisory chapter.


You must be user with ha_role to execute sp_companion. Permission checks do not differ based on the granular permissions settings


Values in event and extrainfo columns from the sysaudits table are:



Audit option


Command or access audited

Execution of a procedure

Information in extrainfo
  • Roles – Current active roles

  • Keywords or options – NULL

  • Previous value – NULL

  • Current value – NULL

  • Other information – All input parameters

  • Proxy information – Original login name, if set proxy in effect