If sp_checkreswords reports that reserved words are used as identifiers, you have two options.
Use sp_rename, sp_renamedb, or update the system tables to change the name of the identifier.
Use set quoted_identifier on if the reserved word is a table name, view name, or column name. If most of your applications use stored procedures, you can drop and re-create these procedures with set quoted_identifier on, and quote all identifiers. All users can run the procedures, without having to use set quoted_identifier on for their session. You can use set quoted_identifier on, create views that give alternative names to tables or columns, and change your applications to reference the view instead.
create view keyview as select lvl = "level", wrk = "work" from "key"
set quoted_identifier on
select level, work from key
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1: Server 'rosie', Line 1: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'level'.
Before choosing the quoted identifier option, perform a test on various objects using all the tools you use to access the SAP ASE server. Use set quoted_identifier on, create a table with a reserved word for a name and reserved words for column names. If the client product generates SQL code, it must enclose identifiers in double quotes (if they are reserved words) and character constants in single quotes.
Procedures, triggers, and views that depend on objects with names that have been changed may work after the name change, but stop working when the query plan is recompiled. Recompilation takes place for many reasons, without notification to the user. To avoid unsuspected loss of functionality, change the names of objects in procedures, triggers, and views immediately after you change the object name.
Whether you change the object names or use delimited identifiers, you must change all stored procedures, views, triggers, and applications that include the reserved word. If you change object names, you must change identifiers; if you use delimited identifiers, you must add the set quoted_identifier option and quotation marks.
If you do not have the text of your procedures, triggers, views, rules, and defaults saved in operating system files, you can use defncopy to copy the definitions from the server to files. See defncopy in the Utility Guide.